Lisa Herring is an LA based comedian, actor, and writer by way of New York. She currently lives in Studio City with her tiny dog and large husband.
She recently completed a pilot in the spirit of Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Teen Witch, about a woman who’s barely clinging onto adulthood when she discovers at 30 that she’s a(n almost teen) witch. You can read it here.
She can briefly be seen in the film adaption of The Last 5 Years where her name appears in the credits mere inches away from Anna Kendrick's and in a few episodes of Girls. She was also cast as a hack comedian for Billy on the Street but she was cut so you can't actually see there.
In New York she wrote and performed in Underground America at the Upright Citizens Theater and cohosted Get Informed for UCB Radio on Sirius XM.
She was once cast to portray a paraplegic fall victim in a very high stakes mock trial to help the defense determine if they had any chance at winning a real trial. She had to make a test jury of about 50 people believe that she was the actual woman in the actual case and totally nailed it. She can't really talk about any specifics for legal reasons but if there was an award for mock trials she feels confident she would have won it.
In college she made a short film that was screened in a planetarium. It was pretty awesome.